KCR - Kinetic Chain Release

Kinetic Chain Release “KCR” (developed by Hugh Gilbert) is a sequence of mobility exercises and stretches that will bring the body back in to alignment and therefore help to increase energy levels and alleviate many problems, such as: Hip and Joint pain, Knee problems, Pelvic discomforts, Neck, Shoulder and Back pain, Tennis Elbow, Headaches/ Migraines, Fibromyalgia, Bloating, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Chronic Stress, Teeth Clenching, Breathing Difficulties, Wrist Pains and many more!

As well as helping to alleviate the pain, KCR can help to improve your physical performance. When your body is "in balance” and functioning in the way that is should, it will help you to reach your full potential and accomplish more within your sport / fitness regime.

Conducted in the comfort of your own home, KCR costs only £45 for an hour of treatment. A pre-questionnaire will be completed and discussed prior to your initial consultation, in order to allow you to get maximum "hands on" treatment time.